Performance Art

For this project, I teamed up with friends Steven Fontenault and Taylor Whitesel. How I define our performance art as, is actually a social experiment. Steven and I dressed up as nurses and had Taylor perform as a desperately sick and bloody individual that needed help arriving to a near by hospital. We walked around holding his arms, aiding him as he walked with a cane while  severely coughing into a bloody tissue. Not only did his tissue contain blood as he coughed, but we also placed blood on his face where it was visible enough to our audience. Our location took place across campus near the Children's Museum, the annual ice skate rink, and the riverwalk. As I mentioned earlier, we wanted this to be a social experiment, portraying how most people only care about themselves, EVEN if someone is in a desperate state of help. We noticed many people just took a glance and minded their own business, some people gave Taylor dirty looks as if he did not belong out in public, and only one person came up to us and asked if Taylor was okay. This was not our intentions at first to turn this into a social experiment, but it just worked out that way. So we wanted to take this approach and show how society is now. People only care when it involves them, other than that never at all. I also noticed during this video, that many individuals like to point people who look different and belittle them. We live in a real cold world and there is not much we can do to change it but to post this video and raise awareness. You never know who actually needs help.


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